Just wanted to share with you a simple adjustment for a massive patch that produces a really cool sound. Here’s a download link for the modified patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BworbyAIuejoR3FDcUZLZDNoQkE/view?usp=sharing.
We have used this patch when producing the track “Secrets” by Yud Kei & The Mosquitos in 2011 (out on Baroque Records ADE compilation):
This patch is based on a quite basic patch called “Fm Plastique”. In itself quite a regular FM sound. What we did was use a macro control for the pitch of each oscillator, than use an LFO for the same pitch as a sidechain modulator, than modulated the release and decay time & level of the main envelope together with the previous parameters. To make it more simple we mapped a second macro control to LFO amp, release, decay time and decay level and named it Pitch Modulation:
So just by tweaking the macro controls “Pitch” and “Pitch Modulation”, we obtain some really cool effects such as in this short example:
It’s pretty cool in the high end, but I think where it is most impressive is the lows that go really deep and make some really interesting and unusual sounds. Try it!