There are 15 posts tagged electronicmusic (this is page 1 of 2).
Da Spot in da Sputnik
Toti & The Storytellers@Sputnik
Yonatan Rukhman@Abraxas TLV
Yonatan Rukhman@Lucifer TLV
Yonatan Rukhman@Abraxas TLV
Yonatan Rukhman@White Loft BBQ Party
Yonatan Rukhman – The True Ensemble
Greetings mankind!
I am very excited and pleased to serve you my new song, “The True Ensemble”. After years of working in the recording studio producing bands, song-writing for various artists, producing as part of various projects, I have now decided to give birth to a new project, my own new sound, using my own name. I am also using my own services as vocalist…so what you hear is totally, 100% myself. The genre is electronic, house-to-pop, and generally I think I am going to be quite versatile on this project as I think and hope more will follow. The inspiration for the lyrics of this song came from science fiction literature that I am particularly fond of, but I will talk about that in a separate post. For now, just listen to my new track! Hope you enjoy 🙂
Party@Ben Shemen 6
שמחתי לחמם את הרחבה עבור DJ Moradi ו-Sunshine, הנה הקלטה של החלק המרכזי של הסט, בערך השעות 23:30-00:30, קצת פאנקי, האוס, טכנו וחוזר חלילה… דגש מיוחד על הטראק Chunky של Format:B שזוכה לתואר אחד הטראקים הטובים ששמעתי אי פעם…(!!seriously). 🙂
1. Faul & Wad, Pnau – Changes (Tocadisco Sunny LA Remix)
2. Disclosure, Mary J Blige – F For You
3. Claptone, Jimi Tenor – Party Girl
4. Format:B, Pleasurecraft, Chris The Voice – Coltrane
5. Yonatan Rukhman – I Want To Know What Love Is (Work In Progress)
6. Format:B – Chunky
7. Rene Amesz, Mendo – Tribeca
8. Miguel Bastida – Moudness
9. Antonio Thagma – Doing That
Alternate Perceptions – Psion EP

Very proud to announce the release of this new EP. Me and my pal Kooki Salinas have taken a break from the Yud Kei project and have gone into some deeper electronic stuff. The EP is released on UK imprint Baroque Records and early feedbacks from heavy weights such as Richie Hawtin, Joseph Capriati, Marco Carola, Michelle De Hey, Mitch Alexander (Microcastle) have been really positive 🙂
Here are some links:
Link to Beatport: https://pro.beatport.com/release/psion/1688798
I’ll write a short review of each of the tracks:
- Psion – A downtempo hypnotic synth driven track, with some acid synths going in and out while a constant driving motiv sets the mood. The term “Psion” refers to psionic hypernatural powers.
- Time Binding – In the Deep House domain, alternating percussion patterns take you through sequenced basslines and liquid atmospheres. Time Binding is a term taken from Philip K Dick’s novel “Flow My Tears The Policeman Said” and is the effect of a drug described in the book, KR-3. The spoken words are also taken from that book.
- Armitage – Melodic Techno. A strong rythmic pattern is the ground for an evolving landscape in melody and warped effects.